Fall River Public Works Department

The employees of the Fall River Public Works department are dedicated to providing safe and efficient services to village residents. Public works employees maintain our streets and parks, provide leaf, grass and brush collection and operate and maintain the Lazy Lake Dam. In addition, the Public Works crew operates and maintains the Village's water and wastewater utilities.


Recycling and Yard Waste Center

The Recycling and Yard Waste Center is open Saturday mornings from 9am until noon from December 1 until March 31. From April 1 until November 30, the site is open Saturdays from 8am until 1pm and Wednesdays from 3pm until 7pm. Village residents will need to purchase a permit to use the site and renew the permit annually. The cost is $5 per year.




The Fall River Sewer Utility Needs Your Help !!!

The Fall River Sewer Utility has experienced an increase in wastewater pumping station malfunctions due to “disposable” cleaning items and wipes entering the wastewater stream. Many cleaning products labeled “disposable” or even “flushable” can cause problems for homeowners and the Village. Disinfecting wipes, Swiffer mop refills, baby wipes, and other products madefrom similar materials should be disposed of in the trash- never flushed down a toilet. These itemsdo not dissolve or break down after being flushed and can clog household sewer pipes, resulting in an expensive and messy repair and clean-up for a property owner. If these items find their way into the Village’s sewer system, they can clog pipes and pumps in the Village’s sewer pumping stations. This leads to expensive repairs and potential interruptions in sewer service.

Please help ensure the reliable and efficient operation of the Village’s wastewater system by disposing of these products properly: in the trash.

 Kimberly-Clark Flushability Lab


Leaf and brush pickup
  1. Village DPW will collect yard waste each Monday. Typically, this service will be offered from April through November, but may vary depending on weather conditions. Pick-up may be delayed a day if a holiday falls on Monday or if DPW is unavailable.
  2. Material must be placed curbside by 6 am on collection day.
  3. Acceptable items for curbside collection include: leaves, plant debris, garden waste, brush.
  4. Items not acceptable for curbside collection include: grass clippings, limbs greater than four inches in diameter, tree stumps/root balls, landscape fabric, landscape timbers, lumber or other building materials, mulch, rocks, any other trash.
  5. Brush/branches must be cut to a maximum six feet in length and bundled (does not need to be tied).
  6. All items must be of manageable weight and size for one person to lift and load into a pickup truck.
  7. Additional pick-ups may be added as necessary due to storm damage, etc.

Residents may drop off yard waste as well as recyclables at the village's Recycling and Yard Waste Center located just east of the village on Church Street/Gruhn Road. From April 1until November 30, the Center is open on Saturdays from 8 am to 1 pm and Wednesdays from 3 pm to 7 pm. From December 1 until March 31, the hours are Saturdays only from 9 am to noon. A resident sticker is required to use the site and is available for purchase at the Clerk's office at the Village Hall during regular business hours or at the Recycling and Yard Waste Center during open hours. There is a $5 annual fee per vehicle for the resident sticker.

Please see the informational brochure for more details.

Note that grass clippings will not be picked up curbside, but are accepted at the Recycling and Yard Waste Site.

Garbage and Recycling

The Village contracts with Pellitteri Waste Systems for automated curbside trash and recycling collection. Trash is collected every week and recyclables are collected every other week. All residents should use the carts provided for garbage and recycling- items not contained in the carts will not be picked up without making special arrangements with Pellitteri. Collection day in the Village is Thursday. If a holiday falls on a Thursday or any day earlier in the week, collection day will be Friday. Carts should be out by 6am on collection day.

On collection day, carts should be placed on a relatively flat surfaceeither the tree border or drivewaywith the handles and wheels facing away from the street. Carts should be within two feet of the curb, and have four feet of clearance from other objectsmailboxes, vehicles, etc.all the way around.

2025 Collection Calendar

Trash and recycling information

For more information or to sign up for service alerts, visit Pellitteri.com, or call Customer Service at (608) 257-4285.

Recycling and Yard Waste Center

The Village operates a Recycling and Yard Waste Center on Church Street/Gruhn Road where residents can drop off material. See the informational brochure for more details.

Columbia County Recycling and Solid Waste

Columbia County accepts recyclables as well as a variety of other materials at its location at W7465 Hwy. 16. For more information on accepted items and disposal fees contact the Columbia County Recycling and Waste Processing Facility at (608) 742-6651, view their website, or download their informational brochure.

Water cross connections

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) regulation requires that municipal water systems implement a comprehensive cross connection control program. The purpose of a cross connection control program is to ensure the safety of the drinking water supply by eliminating the potential for contaminants to enter the public water system due to improper plumbing connections.The requirements for cross connection control and prevention are spelled out in Wisconsin DNR regulation NR810.15, Wisconsin Administrative Codes SPS381, SPS382 and SPS384 as well as Village Ordinance Sec 9-1-52. Failure to comply with these regulations may result in the Village being subject to DNR enforcement that could include referral to the Wisconsin Department of Justice and potential monetary penalties.

The Village of Fall River Water Utility, in accordance with DNR requirements has implemented a Cross Connection Control Program. The Village has contracted with General Engineering Company from Portage to implement the inspection program. Each year, a portion of the residential, commercial, and industrial sites within the Village must be inspected for potential cross connections. If you have been selected for inspection, you will receive a letter from General Engineering outlining when inspections will take place and what you should do to arrange for an inspection of your property. There is no charge for the cross connection inspection. However, each property owner is responsible for correcting any non-compliance issues.

Please review the brochure and other information, including frequently asked questions, provided by General Engineering or the brochure provided by the Wisconsin Rural Water Association. If your property is chosen for inspection, this information can help you prepare for the inspector’s visit and increase your chances of compliance on the first visit. Even if you are not selected for inspection at this time, this information may help you recognize some basic cross connection concerns and address them as needed.

Sewer & Water Rates / Water Quality Reports

Fall River residents are billed monthly for water, sewer, and garbage collection services.

Current Sewer Rates

Current Water Rates 

2023 Drinking Water Quality Report

Drinking Water Service Line Material Inventory


Contact Information

Director of Public Works:
Julius Weisensel

Email: jweisensel@fallriverwi.com
Phone: (920) 484-3525
Fax: (920) 484-6201
Mailing address: 641 S. Main St.,
PO Box 37, Fall River, WI 53932

Office hours:
Monday- Thursday 8 am to 4:30 pm; Friday 8 am to Noon



Village of Fall River
Water Utility

2008 & 2016 Wisconsin Rural Water Association
Taste Test Winner