Village of Fall River
Code of Ordinances


Table of Contents & Index

Title 1: General Provisions

Title 2: Government and Administration

Title 3: Finance and Public Records

Title 4: Administrative Review Procedures

Title 5: Public Safety

Title 6: Public Works

Title 7: Licensing and Regulation

Title 8: Health and Sanitation

Title 9: Public Utilities

Title 10: Motor Vehicles and Traffic

Title 11: Offenses and Nuisances

Title 12: Parks and Navigable Waters

Title 13: Zoning

Title 14: Subdivision and Platting

Title 15: Building Code


NOTE: The Village of Fall River Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents which appear on the Village of Fall River’s website may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Fall River, Wisconsin. This website version of the Code of Ordinances is provided for informational purposes only. The printed version of the Village of Fall River Code of Ordinances maintained in the Office of Village Clerk-Treasurer is the official municipal code pursuant to Wisconsin law.



Contact Information


Clerk/Treasurer: Marie Abegglen
Phone: (920) 484-3525
Fax: (920) 484-6201

Mailing address: 641 S. Main St.,
PO Box 37, Fall River, WI 53932

Office hours: Monday- Thursday 8 am to 4:30 pm; Friday 8 am to Noon.
The Clerk/Treasurer's office is closed daily from Noon- 1:00 pm.